As I was reviewing my blog, I thought I would share with you my friends list and how I know each person. I am not sure the proper etiquette in this matter, but know that my first choice of people to talk about would be the most likely to give a proper, unbiast review of my new addition.
Fellow K-Stater, Mike, aka "Post" is shown here in the Linz half marathon (I think the Austrian culture requires each sporting event be followed by a refreshing beer) . He spent a semester in Prague with me and was a key element to my Prague Marathon finish. Though he is a fantastic marathon training partner, he does lack skills in the area of the quarters version of "boxing." One of our first moments together envolved the game which placed him MIA for the rest of the evening.
He is to be married this summer to a great woman named Grechen. Which bring me to a side topic of weddings. Two summers ago, I was helping a friend of mine load up all his wedding present. He got some good things but did he ever get a lot of useless crap too. So, I have decided that if you attend a wedding and don´t know what to get the person, and can not figure out the registry, send cash. Don´t be that guy that sends a chi-pet or something you may think is funny or unique that you will be remebered by. Just don´t even show up if your going to be that guy.
To know more about Mike postiglione, go to
http://www.postiglione.blogspot.com/ or click on Post under my friends list. I give him a 4 star rating. He is a consistant blogger and the site contains intelligent humor.